We aim to make our website accessible to all visitors, regardless of the browser being used. However, if you do experience any difficulties viewing or opening pages, please let us know by either calling us on 01274 841 130 or using the contact form on our contact page.

Zooming in or making the text larger in your web browser

Below you will find a step-by-step guide to zooming into web pages or enlarging the text in your internet browser. These instructions are for use with the browser versions listed below, however they may also work with other versions of the same web browser.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 and later

  1. Open your Internet Explorer browser
  2. Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and press the plus (+) key
  3. You will find that this will enlarge the text, to enlarge again repeat the procedure
  4. Keep repeating until the text is enlarged to your requirements
  5. If you need to make the text smaller press Ctrl on your keyboard and the minus (-) key

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 and below

  1. Open your Internet Explorer web browser
  2. Choose the drop down menu at the top of the window of the browser marked “view”
  3. A list of options will appear in the drop down menu, choose “text size”
  4. Next another drop down menu should appear with options including “small”, “medium”, “large”, “largest”
  5. Select your desired text size, “medium” is the default size.

Google Chrome

  1. Open your Google Chrome browser
  2. Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and press the plus (+) key
  3. You will find that this will enlarge the text, to enlarge again repeat the procedure
  4. Keep repeating until the text is enlarged to your requirements
  5. If you need to make the text smaller press Ctrl on your keyboard and the minus (-) key

Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and later

  1. Open your Firefox browser
  2. Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and press the plus (+) key
  3. You will find that this will enlarge the text, to enlarge again repeat the procedure
  4. Keep repeating until the text is enlarged to your requirements
  5. If you need to make the text smaller press Ctrl on your keyboard and the minus (-) key

Apple Safari 1.2 and later

  1. Open your Apple Safari browser
  2. Hold down the Apple Key and press the (+) key
  3. You will find that this will enlarge the text, to enlarge again repeat the procedure
  4. Keep repeating until the text is enlarged to your requirements
  5. If you need to make the text smaller press the Apple Key on your keyboard and press the (-) key

More resources

If you are still experiencing difficulty viewing the text on this website, even when set at the largest option, or if you use a text-only browser, we recommend that you go to the RNIB website, which may help you find other ways of viewing sites on the internet.

BBC My Web My Way

More detailed information about how to change the fonts and font sizes in your operating system and in various other browsers is available online at BBC My Web My Way. This comprehensive site also includes information about changing the colours in your operating system and web browser, changing the mouse pointer and using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

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