Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm provides residential, respite and activity opportunities for young people aged 7-11 years old from challenging and disadvantaged backgrounds. They offer a range of activities, and we’re proud to be supporting their training days, including cooking sessions.

“Supporting people and helping them to feed themselves and their families with the budgets they have will, we hope, greatly improve their health. Our dishes are made with fresh ingredients at a fair price, and we aim to dispel the myth that fresh food is more expensive and less accessible. The families who will be attending are referred to us through our partners, including local schools and Leeds City Council’s MST (multisystemic therapy) service.” – Leeds Children’s Charity

Jayne Harris, a Family Therapist at MST Leeds, says:
“The cooking course is a fabulous idea, and the families will benefit hugely. Thank you so much for this opportunity for our families. These are fundamental experiences that we’re so thankful to be able to offer to many families in need.”

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