According to Healthline, mindful drinking is the practice of being aware and in control of why and how much alcohol you drink. Industry experts suggest that 40% of Brits want to moderate their alcohol consumption, most prominently amongst 18-24 year olds. For those of us who  want to drink less – or stop drinking altogether – the good news is there are more no and low alcohol alternatives in the shops than ever. However, many people don’t know how to take that first step. This blog explores some tips for those who want to make a change towards lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of stroke, improving mood and sleep quality, along with the many other benefits of drinking less.

 How to start a mindful drinking journey

 Sunnyside is an app which supports people who want to drink less alcohol or give up completely. Here are a few hints and tips to support this journey from their experts:

  • Identify triggers and find alternatives to focus on: Sunnyside experts recognise that once drinkers identify when and how they reach for a drink, from a bad day at work to certain social situations, it becomes easier to make a change. When triggered, try reaching for an alternative such as herbal tea, sparkling water with juice, or a non-alcoholic version of your favourite tipple
  • Avoid temptation and delay your first drink: When triggered, try and wait 10 minutes before pouring that alcoholic drink, then another 10, then another. Often, this can result in the craving disappearing. If this tactic works well at home but less so when out in a social situation, try outings with friends that don’t centre around alcohol such as a trip to the cinema, an art class or trying a new fitness class together
  • Prepare for social situations: If you’re out with friends and don’t want to drink at all, or want to drink less, there are ways to politely decline:
  • Be direct and clear, by using phrases such as ‘not for me thank you, I’m trying to keep track of how much I’m drinking’
  • Put your hand over your glass when top ups are on the cards as a non-verbal cue that you’re not ready for a refill
  • Remember that you’re in control of what you drink. Your friends should respect your decision without needing explanation
  • Set your own boundaries such as driving to the venue/meeting place so you don’t have a choice when it comes to drinking alcohol

Visit the Sunnyside blog for more tips like these.  

Where else can you get support?

If you are concerned about your alcohol consumption, it’s important to speak to a medical professional, starting with your GP. There’s also information and support links available online through the NHS

Finally, speak to your friends and family about your journey, especially if sharing a drink is something you do regularly. They’re likely to understand and you might even end up with a buddy to join you on your mindful drinking journey.

For more ways to look after your health and wellbeing, please visit Good all round | Sovereign Health Care.




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